Custard apple, scientifically known as Annona cherimola, is a delectable fruit that goes by various names such as Cherimoya or Chirimoya. Believed to have originated in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, this fruit eventually found its way to the Andes and Central America, where it flourished. With its captivating combination of taste and texture, custard apples have gained a reputation as a decadent and mouth wateringly sweet sub-tropical fruit.
Characterised by its unique appearance, custard apples boast a hard exterior that encloses a true treasure within. The creamy white flesh of this fruit has a velvety smoothness reminiscent of custard, hence its name. The texture is remarkably soft, offering a melt-in-your-mouth sensation that adds to its indulgence. Each bite into a custard apple is an invitation to savor the delicate balance between its delicate sweetness and velvety consistency.
Health benefits of Custard Apples
Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin C which helps to fight free radicals in our body. It is also high in potassium and magnesium that protects our heart from cardiac disease.
Custard apple is rich in vitamin B6, which help reduce the bronchial inflammation and help prevent asthmatic attacks. Custard apple are also rich in copper and dietary fibre, which helps assist digestion, help ease bowel movement and relives from constipation. This tasty fruit is an excellent alternative to dairy products, making it perfect for those who are allergic to dairy products as it provides the same nutrition.
Custard apples are regarded as wonder-fruits for pregnant women as they help them to cope with mood swings, morning sickness and numbness.
Eating Custard Apples
Custard Apples season are now in season. Ripe custard apples have pale green skin and yield to gentle pressure. Ripen darker green fruit at room temperature, once ripe store in the fridge and eat within two days.
The easiest way to eat custard apples is to just cut in half or pull apart with your hands and use a spoon to scoop out the flesh to eat. They are just delicious and a sweet.
Custard apples pair well with other fruits such as banana, pineapple, papaya and orange and with flavours such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla and honey.