Last week we ran our another juicing workshop sponsored by the City of Canada Bay – Juicing for Good Health. We just love doing this workshops as we all have a great time making, tasting and learning the benefits of a number of juices that can be easily be made at home. Every six month we update the workshop and in this workshop we talked about smoothies, how do they compare to juices and their health benefits.
This juicing workshop was developed with 2 goals in mind, the first goal was to learn to make nutritious juices and the health benefits of an easy to make super source of nutrition. The second goal was to introduce participants to how easy it is to minimise any food waste related to juicing. This part of the workshop surprised a number of people because it challenges many of our ideas of waste. Many were surprised to taste and enjoy cooked watermelon rind dish – yumm.
As promised to those who attended the Juicing Workshop Handout Workshop here are the Handouts as well as the slides for Juicing for Good Health Workshop