Myths of Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Myths of Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Myths of Weight Loss and Weight Gain

by | Events, News, Weight Loss

As a society we are getting bigger. Our obesity rates are doubling despite the amount of information/resources designed to ‘help us’ has become overwhelming. Everyday there are reports of new diets, new protocols, exercises programs, new research findings and the list goes on.  So WHY are we getting bigger? Is it really just a lack of self control? Is it what we eat? Is it the impact of our desk jobs? Are we too stressed? What about our genetic inheritance? Or bone structure? One thing is  clear to us: there are many myths surrounding Weight Loss and Weight Gain and the vast majority of us get lost in them – looking for a way out.

In our upcoming presentation Exploding the myths of Weight Loss, Weight Gain and Achieving Lasting Health we tackle some of the most persistent and misleading myths surrounding weight gain.  You’ll discover the key factors affecting us all: our body composition, core health and how to change the way we look and feel.

You’ll also learn why most weight loss programs are a temporary weight loss solution i.e lose it and put it back on.  Hint: these programs do not address the cause of the problem; the problem is still there ‘after’ the diet.  You’ll also learn how to start making changes in your life to get you on the road for better health and weight loss.

Exploding the Myths of Weight Loss, Weight Gain and Achieving Lasting Health will be held at Bexley Community Centre on the 24th July at 7pm.  For those people outside the area please send us an email or leave a comment to flag your interest as we are planning to organise more events in other areas.

So don’t miss out and book your ticket today as the community centre has limited space. Bookings are essential.