Health By The Bay Has Moved

We moved

Health By The Bay Has Moved

by | News, Services

We moved from the office above Coffee Hut to Healthpac, the new medical centre located just behind Coffee Hut. I am now practising with Dr Ven Tan and his team.

I’m both pleased and excited to be part of the Healthpac team. Dr Tan is committed to helping Healthpac clients achieve optimal health by providing integrative health care options at the Centre. It is SO good to finally have a medical team I can refer clients to, if necessary. I hope, one day, to work collaboratively with the other practitioners at Healthpac; I’ll keep you posted on my progress with that. In the mean time I’ll invite Dr Tan to film a short video interview for the Health By the Bay web site so you can meet him for yourself.

My new clinic day at Healthpac is Wednesday from 9 – 1 and 2 – 6pm.

To your health.