Nobel Prize Winner Supports Homeopathic Medicine

Luc Montagnier

Nobel Prize Winner Supports Homeopathic Medicine

by | Homeopathy, News

In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine Professor Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has expressed support for the often maligned and misunderstood medical specialty of homeopathic medicine.

Check out this video to learn how science is finally catching up with what homeopaths have known from clinical practice for more than two centuries.

Funny, even though the homeopathic profession knows the validity of our disciple, it’s nice to finally have some (emerging) scientific recognition… That said, I know from experience, some folks will never accept anything other than what they believe…Anyway, check it out and see what you think.

You know my views on this; I understand homeopathy is not for everyone and that’s fine. And there are many other options that can help you achieve the health outcomes you want while reducing the amount of chemicals affecting your system. So get clear about what makes sense to you and choose systems that support your health and quality of life; you only get one life and you’re worth it.

To your health 🙂

The Huffington Post – Dana Ullman

Infinite Unknown – Tony Issacs